hello ! I'm beel ! But since i go by so many names, you can call me what you want !im your totally average supernatural loving artist that enjoys lorekeeping and creating charactersgraphic design and art are my passion. I have a passion project, which is the main story i plan to work more on !some hobbies of mine include making music, writing + sleeping !

neir      name
20s        age
he/they      prns
taurus     zodiac

above are some more info about me!! you can click the img to read better if need be. Sheep, goats, etc. are one of my favourite types of animals, hence why most of my sonas end up being sheep! Or goats. ^_^

above is my commission site !
(work in progress......)
click the image to be taken there ~

✦✦  no venting unless said it is ok  ⬥   espec. if you're a stranger. Even if you are a friend/mutual, i may not always be in the right headspace to help you with your problems or listen. so please, ask before venting to me.✦✦  do not dm unless you need to  ⬥  i suffer from extreme social anxiety and getting an unwarranted dm sends me into a panic. depending on the topic (e.g. something that requires my attention), i may or may not respond. sometimes, i can take a while to respond and im incredibly sorry for that.✦✦  do not assume things about me/'fakeclaim' me  ⬥  you do not know me and i do not know you. we both don't know each other's life story, do not assume i don't have something based on xyz manner. it is also extremely disrespectful and you will be promptly blocked.✦✦  respect my identity and pronouns  ✦  please give me basic respect and respect what i am/my pronouns, espec. if corrected. im not a stickler, but it makes me very uncomfortable being referred to by feminine terms and pronouns as does being called 'it/its'.✦✦  I believe people can change  ⬥  like myself, i believe people are capable of change depending on the action. however, this is not attributed to people who prey on weaker people or minors.✦✦  do not involve me in drama/discourse  ⬥  do not involve me in any type of drama or discourse regardless if it is minor or major. i will remove myself from a topic/person if drama is around. those attempting to drag me into a situation will be blocked.✦✦  i treat others how they treat me  ⬥  you get what you give me. though non-confrontational, if you get confrontational with me, it is a high chance i can get confrontational and mean back. (I do try to leave the conversation if i can first).✦✦  be aware i block freely  ⬥i use the block button very freely to curate my spaces and make me feel comfortable and safer. if you find yourself blocked and we have never interacted, it is most likely because i do not wish to see your content. its nothing personal!! just a measure to help me feel comfortable as you should be able to feel comfortable! I also do mutual blocks.

do not interact
Maps/Zoophiles / Map supporters / Zoo supporters, terfs/racists, LGBTQphobes, toxicity/drama, groomers, AI/Cryptobros, talk about colour/art style theft, toxic people in general, NFTs, romantisicing abuse/trauma, ableism,using non-reclaimable slurs, toxic/hateful people in general, people who fakeclaim/dont respect boundaries, drama hungry slugs,,,

HELLO! this is the credits area! what this includes are the websites used for inspiration !

all artwork inc. navigators were made by neirkh/beelzebunn and are not free to use.